Environmental Policy


"GoPromotional responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the geographic trading in which we operate – environment, social and economic – with a primary objective of creating a better tomorrow than today."

As part of our sustainability policy GoPromotional support Trees for Life - Scotlands leading conservation volunteering charity.  Founded in 1989 their vision is to restore Scotland's ancient Caledonian Forest to a spectacular wilnderness region of 1,000 square miles of mountains and glens to the West of Inverness and Loch Ness.  We have so far planted a range trees in our grove, if you would like to make a donation please contact us for details, for every £5.00 donated another tree will be planted in this grove:

Sustainability Vision
We take very seriously our responsibility and that of our suppliers to be good custodians of the environment, both in terms of social responsibility and initiatives and as a way to support the company’s goals.

Our environmental policy includes the following:

  1. We will comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and company standards and conduct regular audits to verify compliance.
  2. We will apply sound environmental management practices where, in our judgement, existing legal requirements are insufficient for our operations or that of our suppliers.
  3. We will consider our potential environmental impacts in our daily business decision-making processes.
  4. We will encourage our business operations and especially that of our suppliers to consider the need of conservation of natural resources, recycling, source reduction and pollution control to ensure a cleaner environment and to reduce landfill wastes, particularly applicable to materials used in packaging.
  5. We will monitor emerging issues and keep abreast of regulatory changes, technological innovations and stakeholder interests. Working with government bodies, academia, nongovernmental organizations, business associations and other interested stakeholders, we will strive, in concert with our suppliers, to develop effective and sustainable solutions to environmental challenges we face in all our business activities.
  6. We will establish metrics to monitor our environmental performance, and use these to set goals for continuous improvement.
  7. We will implement environmental management systems to identify and manage environmental risks, obligations and opportunities.
  8. We will work with our suppliers and customers to reduce the environmental impacts of our products and their packaging throughout their life cycle.
  9. We will annually review the company’s performance in implementing this policy.
  10. We will review this policy periodically and update it as needed.

It is the responsibility of management to ensure this policy is effectively communicated, understood and implemented. All employees are responsible for understanding the impacts of this policy on their day-to-day activities and are encouraged to apply good environmental stewardship both in and beyond the workplace.

Questions about the policy
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact hello@gopromotional.co.uk.


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Winners of the Promotional Merchandise Distributor of the Year Award